Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2257 closed enhancement (invalid)

make ffmpeg option order like mencoder

Reported by: compn Owned by:
Priority: wish Component: ffmpeg
Version: unspecified Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


implement aliases for input and output options so command lines can be written out of order

mencoder -vc inputcodec -oac outputcodec -ovc outputcodec -of outputformat

ffmpeg -f forceinputformat -vcodec input file -vcodec output -f outputformat

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 12 years ago

Component: undeterminedFFmpeg
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This does not look like a valid ticket (and I don't think it would be a good idea to implement it).

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