Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#10010 closed defect (fixed)

Flacky test checkasm-float_dsp on i386 for 4.1.10

Reported by: Beuc Owned by:
Priority: minor Component: fate
Version: 4.1.10 Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


Hi, I'm in the process of uploading ffmpeg-4.1.10 to Debian (no patches), and I noticed a flacky test "checkasm-float_dsp" on i386:

Test checkasm-float_dsp failed. Look at tests/data/fate/checkasm-float_dsp.err for details.
 - float_dsp.vector_dmul         [FAILED]

How to reproduce:

# [build ffmpeg in i386 box or chroot]
# gcc -dumpmachine 
# ./configure
# make tests/checkasm/checkasm
# tests/checkasm/checkasm --test=float_dsp
checkasm: using random seed 3387371545
 - float_dsp.vector_fmul         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_fmac         [OK]
 - float_dsp.butterflies_float   [OK]
 - float_dsp.scalarproduct_float [OK]
217: -133.419753837637 - -133.419753837637 =  2.84217094304e-14
   vector_dmul_sse2 (float_dsp.c:79)
 - float_dsp.vector_dmul         [FAILED]
 - float_dsp.vector_dmac         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_fmul         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_fmac         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_dmul         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_dmac         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_fmul         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_fmac         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_dmac         [OK]
 - float_dsp.vector_fmul         [OK]
checkasm: 1 of 22 tests have failed

The test fails around 1 time out of 10.

In case that helps, other kind of extra output when failing:

151: -403.760630477823 - -403.760630477823 =  5.68434188608e-14
172:  45.559144693618 -  45.559144693618 = -7.1054273576e-15
188: -117.340568240766 - -117.340568240766 = -1.42108547152e-14
237: -4.352744435243 - -4.352744435243 =  8.881784197e-16

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 2 years ago

Component: fateundetermined

Please test current FFmpeg git head. If the issue is not reproducible, please use git bisect to find the commit that fixed the issue for you.

comment:2 by Beuc, 2 years ago


Thanks for your fast answer!
(fixing the float_dsp test itself)
seems to be needed to fix the issue in 4.1.x and 4.2.x.

comment:3 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 2 years ago

Component: undeterminedfate
Priority: normalminor
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Version: unspecified4.1.10
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