FFmpeg developer discussion from 2 Dec 2022
Status updates: what folks are working on right now, what they'll work on in the future, and what they'd like to have:
Votes When do we update the voters for the General Assembly?
- never or infrequently
- every time we vote (automated)
- on January 1st every year
Criteria for active voting rights
- 20 patches in 36 months, only coding that changes compiler output (c, h, asm, cpp) + nominated people [current setup]
- 20 patches/pushes in 36 months, whatever the content (including documentation and tools, website) + nominated people [suggested]
Next Election for TC and CC When? We need volunteers for both
We need more clear rules for CC, jb will suggest improvements +CoC? The CC should comment when action is taken.
FFmpeg infra Who? What?
- Mail, Git, FATE, Web server & access
- Backups for the above
- Domain/DNS administration
- IRC administration
- Access to FFmpeg hardware (M1, AVX512 NUC, Altra) Need servers to be setup for both FATE and developer access
https://dnsdumpster.com/static/map/ffmpeg.org.png Documentation about those? -> Thilo + jb will talk with Michael, Anton and Josh offer help
MONEY We still have around 150k$ at SPI Money is controlled by SPI, and the liaison to SPI is Stefano, and it needs mailing-list requests
- 2 NUC for AVX-512 (1 fate/1 dev)
- Desktops (Carl)
- Further hardware is needed? Who needs hardware?
DNN Delete the native backend? Yes Move to a separate library? Delete? Move to somewhere else?
GSoC Do we do GSoC this year? Please suggest better projects
Goodies Do you want FFmpeg goodlies? Which ones?
- Tshirts/Hoodies? Stickers?