
The regex​ filter reads a list of regular expressions from this page; each regular expression (case sensitive) being on a separate line inside the code block. This uses the ​Python syntax for regular expressions. See also this Wikipedia article or this Regular Expressions Reference.

This is an online tool for testing regular expressions. Don't forget to select "Python" as flavor.

Submitted content will be assigned a negative score (“karma”) for each match, and the total karma determines whether a submission is rejected or not. This is a read only page, so contact a trac admin (see MAINTAINERS) if you want to add something.

Regular Expression Explanation
(?i) switch to case insensitive
. matches any character
? zero or one of the preceeding character
.? matches zero or one of any character
.* matches zero or more of any character
.+ matches one or more of any character
{0,1} zero or one of the preceeding character, it's the same as ?
{0,} zero or more of the preceeding character, it's the same as *
{1,} one or more of the preceeding character, it's the same as +
\s matches all whitespace characters (which includes [ \t\n\r\f\v])
^ matches start of string (line)
$ matches end of string (line)
(a|b) matches a or b
(aa|bb|cc).{0,8}(dd|ee|ff) matches if any of the keywords from the first set is followed by 0 to 8 of any characters and then followed by any of the keywords from the second set
regards.{0,5}http matches if "regards" is followed by "http" with zero to five of any characters in between
^.*regards.*http.*$ matches if "regards" is followed by "http" in the same line, with any number of any characters before, between and after the patterns. This seems not to work, it's unclear why.

Search patterns can be duplicated for higher weight, if false positives are very unlikely.

Last modified 14 months ago Last modified on Dec 4, 2023, 9:05:56 AM
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