Opened 3 years ago

#9720 new defect

Drawtext reinit command fails when using textfile

Reported by: toots Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: avfilter
Version: unspecified Keywords: drawtext textfile command
Cc: toots Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


It looks like the drawtext filter populates its internal text parameter when reading from a text file and then fails to reinit, erroneously complaining that both text and textfile are provided.

To reproduce:
ffmpeg -i /tmp/bla.mp4 -filter_complex "zmq,drawtext=x=100:textfile=/tmp/content" -y /tmp/bla.flv

Then, in another console:
echo Parsed_drawtext_1 reinit x=200 | zmqsend

Error log:
[Parsed_drawtext_1 @ 0x7fbe47713e80] Both text and text file provided. Please provide only one
[Parsed_drawtext_1 @ 0x7fbe47713e80] Failed to process command. Continuing with existing parameters.

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