Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#9680 new defect

scale2ref is one frame behind

Reported by: Jozef Chutka Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: undetermined
Version: unspecified Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


Summary of the bug:
When using scale2ref filter with dynamic ref size, the resized element does not match the ref exactly (lags 1 frame?)

In the following example [w]hite rect grows 1px every frame and [r]ed tries to match. However when rendered on top of each other, the red one is 1px smaller leaving 1px white border around.

ffmpeg -filter_complex "color=color=#000000:rate=20:size=400x400[b];color=color=#ffffff:rate=20:size=100x100,scale=width=iw+n:height=ih+n:eval=frame[w];color=color=#ff0000:rate=20[r];[r][w]scale2ref=eval=frame[r][w];[w][r]overlay[w];[b][w]overlay" -t 4 -y gif.mp4

ffmpeg version

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Gyan, 2 years ago

Keywords: scale2ref removed

The issue is not with scale2ref. Insert a showinfo to check both outputs of scale2ref and compare sizes for frames with same PTS. They match. I haven't looked further but it's likely an issue with overlay framesync.

comment:2 by Elon Musk, 2 years ago

Adding 1 or 2 null filters at right spot fixes issue for me:

ffplay -f lavfi -i "color=color=#000000:rate=25:size=400x400,format=yuv444p,setpts=N[b];color=color=#ffffff:rate=25:size=100x100,format=yuv444p,scale=width=iw+n:height=ih+n:eval=frame[w];color=color=#ff0000:rate=25,format=yuv444p[r];[r][w]scale2ref=eval=frame[r][w];[w]null[w];[r]null[r];[w][r]overlay=format=auto,setpts=N[w];[b][w]overlay=format=auto"

comment:3 by Jozef Chutka, 2 years ago

Thanks for looking into it and proposing a workaround. Extra null works on my end as well.

Is there any work in progress (or will be) to fix overlay itself?

comment:4 by Elon Musk, 2 years ago

Its not overlay filter or framesync bug, but how avfilter count frames, needs look for case where it will skip increasing it.

comment:5 by Michael Koch, 2 years ago

When I saw this issue, I first thought it's because the inputs might be yuv420 and the size is incremented in steps of one. So I added a few "format=rgb24" and "format=auto".

ffmpeg -filter_complex "color=color=#000000:rate=20:size=400x400,format=rgb24[b];color=color=#ffffff:rate=20:size=100x100,scale=width=iw+n:height=ih+n:eval=frame,format=rgb24[w];color=color=#ff0000:rate=20,format=rgb24[r];[r][w]scale2ref=eval=frame[r][w];[w][r]overlay=format=auto[w];[b][w]overlay=format=auto" -t 4 -y gif.mp4

But now ffmpeg never stops. Is there an explanation for this behaviour?


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