Opened 4 years ago

#8935 new enhancement

libxvid additions and clarification

Reported by: Selur Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: undetermined
Version: unspecified Keywords: libxvid
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


Trying to leave xvid_encraw and mencoder behind for Xvid encoding I compared FFmpegs libxvid options against mencoder.

There are a few options which are unclear if I mapped them correctly and there seem to be a bunch of options missing.

I have no clue how to properly map:

  1. turbo (missing?)
  2. zones (missing?)
  3. me_quality since me_method only seems to have 5 instead of 7 options
  4. cartoon (missing?)
  5. chroma_opt (missing?)
  6. vhq since mdb only has 3 instead of 5 options
  7. keyframe_boost (missing?)
  8. kfthreshold (missing?)
  9. kfreduction (missing?)
  10. bf_threshold (missing?)
  11. packed (missing?)
  12. curve_compression_high
  13. curve_compression_low
  14. overflow_control_strength
  15. max_overflow_improvement
  16. max_overflow_degradation
  17. bvhq (missing?)
  18. vbv_initial (missing?)


Would be nice if:

  1. someone could tell me how to properly map those options to ffmpeg for Xvid encoding
  2. if missing options could be added to ffmpegs libxvid support.

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