Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#8370 closed defect (invalid)

“”: “-pix_fmt”: Mention the encoder may set a different output pixel format

Reported by: Kdmeizk Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: undetermined
Version: git-master Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


For example:

ffmpeg-20191101-53c21c2-win64-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe -h encoder=libx264
Encoder libx264 [libx264 H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10]:
    General capabilities: delay threads 
    Threading capabilities: auto
    Supported pixel formats: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p nv12 nv16 nv21 yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le nv20le gray gray10le
x264-r2969-d4099dd.exe --fullhelp
      --input-csp <string>    Specify input colorspace format for raw input
                              - valid csps for `raw' demuxer:
                                i400, i420, yv12, nv12, nv21, i422, yv16, nv16, 
                                yuyv, uyvy, i444, yv24, bgr, bgra, rgb
                              - valid csps for `lavf' demuxer:
                                yuv420p, yuyv422, rgb24, bgr24, yuv422p, 
                                yuv444p, yuv410p, yuv411p, gray, monow, monob, 
                                pal8, yuvj420p, yuvj422p, yuvj444p, uyvy422, 
                                uyyvyy411, bgr8, bgr4, bgr4_byte, rgb8, rgb4, 
                                rgb4_byte, nv12, nv21, argb, rgba, abgr, bgra, 
                                gray16be, gray16le, yuv440p, yuvj440p, 
                                yuva420p, rgb48be, rgb48le, rgb565be, rgb565le, 
                                rgb555be, rgb555le, bgr565be, bgr565le, 
                                bgr555be, bgr555le, vaapi_moco, vaapi_idct, 
                                vaapi_vld, yuv420p16le, yuv420p16be, 
                                yuv422p16le, yuv422p16be, yuv444p16le, 
                                yuv444p16be, dxva2_vld, rgb444le, rgb444be, 
                                bgr444le, bgr444be, ya8, bgr48be, bgr48le, 
                                yuv420p9be, yuv420p9le, yuv420p10be, 
                                yuv420p10le, yuv422p10be, yuv422p10le, 
                                yuv444p9be, yuv444p9le, yuv444p10be, 
                                yuv444p10le, yuv422p9be, yuv422p9le, gbrp, 
                                gbrp9be, gbrp9le, gbrp10be, gbrp10le, gbrp16be, 
                                gbrp16le, yuva422p, yuva444p, yuva420p9be, 
                                yuva420p9le, yuva422p9be, yuva422p9le, 
                                yuva444p9be, yuva444p9le, yuva420p10be, 
                                yuva420p10le, yuva422p10be, yuva422p10le, 
                                yuva444p10be, yuva444p10le, yuva420p16be, 
                                yuva420p16le, yuva422p16be, yuva422p16le, 
                                yuva444p16be, yuva444p16le, vdpau, xyz12le, 
                                xyz12be, nv16, nv20le, nv20be, rgba64be, 
                                rgba64le, bgra64be, bgra64le, yvyu422, ya16be, 
                                ya16le, gbrap, gbrap16be, gbrap16le, qsv, mmal, 
                                d3d11va_vld, cuda, 0rgb, rgb0, 0bgr, bgr0, 
                                yuv420p12be, yuv420p12le, yuv420p14be, 
                                yuv420p14le, yuv422p12be, yuv422p12le, 
                                yuv422p14be, yuv422p14le, yuv444p12be, 
                                yuv444p12le, yuv444p14be, yuv444p14le, 
                                gbrp12be, gbrp12le, gbrp14be, gbrp14le, 
                                yuvj411p, bayer_bggr8, bayer_rggb8, 
                                bayer_gbrg8, bayer_grbg8, bayer_bggr16le, 
                                bayer_bggr16be, bayer_rggb16le, bayer_rggb16be, 
                                bayer_gbrg16le, bayer_gbrg16be, bayer_grbg16le, 
                                bayer_grbg16be, xvmc, yuv440p10le, yuv440p10be, 
                                yuv440p12le, yuv440p12be, ayuv64le, ayuv64be, 
                                videotoolbox_vld, p010le, p010be, gbrap12be, 
                                gbrap12le, gbrap10be, gbrap10le, mediacodec, 
                                gray12be, gray12le, gray10be, gray10le, p016le, 
                                p016be, d3d11, gray9be, gray9le, gbrpf32be, 
                                gbrpf32le, gbrapf32be, gbrapf32le, drm_prime, 
                                opencl, gray14be, gray14le, grayf32be, 
                                grayf32le, yuva422p12be, yuva422p12le, 
                                yuva444p12be, yuva444p12le
      --output-csp <string>   Specify output colorspace ["i420"]
                                  - i400, i420, i422, i444, rgb

If “-pix_fmt” is set to “nv12”, “--input-csp” is set to “nv12” and “--output-csp” is set to “i420”.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Cigaes, 5 years ago

An encoder does not have pixels on its output, and therefore does not have output pixel format.

comment:2 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 5 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

(Except v210)

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