Opened 8 years ago

Closed 17 months ago

#6527 closed defect (wontfix)

NASM 2.11.06 doesn't load config.asm

Reported by: Hans Carlson Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: build system
Version: git-master Keywords: nasm configuration
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


NASM version 2.11.06 doesn't seem to work correctly and configure should check to see if NASM is newer then 2.11.06 before allowing it to be used.

On July 12, 2017, I tried to build from git master on a system that had no problems building from master a few months earlier (March 29, 2017).

The problems stem from changes to "configure" (on June 21, 2017) that prefers nasm over yasm My system has both, but nasm is old... and apparently too old.

After downloading the latest git master (at the time, July 12, 2017), "make" displayed the following errors:

$ git clone git:// ffmpeg-20170712
$ cd ffmpeg-20170712
$ configure
$ make
X86ASM	libavfilter/x86/af_afir.o
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:45: error: symbol `HAVE_ALIGNED_STACK' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:58: error: symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:193: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:194: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:195: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:196: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:197: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:198: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:199: error: (DECLARE_REG_SIZE:11) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:225: error: symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:938: error: (INIT_XMM:5) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:938: error: (INIT_CPUFLAGS:32) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:938: error: (CPUNOP:1) symbol `HAVE_CPUNOP' not defined before use
libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm:938: error: unknown 'cpu' type
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:30: error: (INIT_XMM:5) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:30: error: (INIT_CPUFLAGS:32) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:30: error: (CPUNOP:1) symbol `HAVE_CPUNOP' not defined before use
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:30: error: unknown 'cpu' type
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:31: error: (INIT_XMM:5) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:31: error: (INIT_CPUFLAGS:32) symbol `ARCH_X86_64' not defined before use
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:31: error: (CPUNOP:1) symbol `HAVE_CPUNOP' not defined before use
libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm:31: error: unknown 'cpu' type
make: *** [libavfilter/x86/af_afir.o] Error 1

I eventually, figured out what command was actually used by running "make -n" and grepping for 'X86ASM.*af_afir':

printf "X86ASM\t%s\n" libavfilter/x86/af_afir.o; nasm -f elf32 -g -F dwarf -I./ -I.// -Ilibavfilter/x86/ -Pconfig.asm -MD libavfilter/x86/af_afir.d  -o libavfilter/x86/af_afir.o libavfilter/x86/af_afir.asm

When the "nasm ..." line above is run by itself, it generates the same errors. It appears the -Pconfig.asm option is ignored with NASM version 2.11.06. The symbols it's looking for ARE defined in config.asm:

$ egrep 'HAVE_ALIGNED_STACK|ARCH_X86_64' config.asm
%define ARCH_X86_64 0

I also tried "nasm -DARCH_X86_64=0 ..." but that fails as well. The only thing that did work was to add the above "%define" directly to libavutil/x86/x86inc.asm.

If NASM version 2.11.08 is used, then the original nasm command works fine (without modifying x86inc.asm)

I think a change to configure to check the version of nasm before allowing it to be used would avoid this problem. Maybe, something like the following:

--- a/configure	2017-07-14 13:18:02.493845243 -0700
+++ b/configure	2017-07-14 13:26:02.205575931 -0700
@@ -5502,9 +5502,19 @@
     enabled ssse3  && check_inline_asm ssse3_inline  '"pabsw %xmm0, %xmm0"'
     enabled mmxext && check_inline_asm mmxext_inline '"pmaxub %mm0, %mm1"'

+    check_nasm(){
+      log "$1 -v"
+      nasmverstr=$($1 -v 2>&1 | tee -a $logfile)
+      nasmver=$(expr "$nasmverstr" : 'NASM version \([0-9.][0-9.]*\).*')
+      [ -z "$nasmver" ] && return 1
+      n_nasmver=$(echo "$nasmver" | sed 's/[^0-9]//g')
+      [ "$n_nasmver" -lt '21108' ] && die "NASM version [$nasmver] is too old.  Upgrade NASM or try configure --x86asmexe=yasm"
+      return 0
+    }
-        if check_cmd $x86asmexe_probe -v; then
+        if check_nasm $x86asmexe_probe; then
             x86asm_debug="-g -F dwarf"

On a slightly related note, while investigating this issue, I had to go through several changes before finding the one that caused the problems. The log message in this change ( is incorrect. I says "nasm --version" has worked since 2.11, but nasm didn't support the "--version" option until 2.13. The change itself is fine, it's just the log message that's misleading.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Elon Musk, 17 months ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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