Opened 8 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#6443 closed defect (needs_more_info)

Fail in the install step when cross-compiling with mingw

Reported by: pipotux Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: build system
Version: unspecified Keywords: win
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


Summary of the bug:
I am trying to generate the libraries binaries for windows from Linux (Ubuntu 16.04). In order to so, I am using the mingw cross-compiler. The libraries are correctly generated in the build step (the .dll and .dll.a files), but in the install step I go this error:

LD	libavcodec/avcodec-57.dll
LD	libavformat/avformat-57.dll
LD	libavfilter/avfilter-6.dll
INSTALL	libavfilter/avfilter.dll
STRIP	install-libavfilter-shared
INSTALL	libavfilter/avfilter.dll
install: cannot stat 'libavfilter/avfilter.lib': No such file or directory
library.mak:93: recipe for target 'install-libavfilter-shared' failed
make: *** [install-libavfilter-shared] Error 1

How to reproduce:

1) Clone project
2) Run configure:
# ./configure --enable-pic --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-symver --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-devices --disable-avdevice --disable-nonfree --disable-gpl --disable-doc --enable-avresample --enable-demuxer=rtsp --enable-muxer=rtsp --disable-bzlib --disable-programs --disable-swresample --cc=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc --cxx=/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ --prefix=/tmp --arch=x86 --target-os=mingw32 --enable-cross-compile
3) make -j4
4) make install

Am I missing something in the configuration step?

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 4 years ago

Keywords: win added; cross-compilation mingw windows removed
Resolution: needs_more_info
Status: newclosed

I believe this should be tested with a version newer than 6d8bef8c05ea5dcb95f5930954cd6bd28868c2c9

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