Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#3187 open enhancement

SFD muxing

Reported by: Soukyuu Owned by:
Priority: wish Component: avformat
Version: git-master Keywords: mpegps sofdec
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no



I am part of a fan project which attempts to fix the broken localization of the Ar tonelico 2 game. The official Western localization was sloppy and introduced game breaking bugs, which even made the game hang up on a boss encounter. Those are things our project is attempting to fix.

Part of it involves adding translations to the videos in form of subtitles (the game includes both the English and the Japanese voice tracks). There is a tool floating around the net which allows to mux m1v+adx, but none which would allow muxing m1v+adx+ac3 into sfd.

Having fixed almost everything except for the 5.1 opening sequence (which was left completely untranslated in the Western versions), I'd really appreciate if FFMPEG added sfd muxing functionality.

The patch will require people to have already have a copy of the game as it will be distributed as .xdelta for the iso only.

There are other games which use cri's adx/sofdec package, so it wouldn't only be for this single game, but for us, this is the main reason at the moment. (On another note, thanks for fixing the demuxing bug so fast)

I can provide samples if needed.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 11 years ago

Component: undeterminedavformat
Keywords: mpegps sofdec added
Priority: normalwish

What is the existing tool? Is it open-source?

comment:2 by Soukyuu, 11 years ago

From what I see, it's a wrapper around the .dll ripped out of SEGA's movie creator, so sadly, it's not. The tool is called Sfdmux, comes as an .exe and the corresponding .dll

comment:3 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 11 years ago

Status: newopen

comment:4 by Elon Musk, 11 years ago

What is SFD, can ffmpeg even demux/play sfd files?

comment:5 by Elon Musk, 11 years ago

Summary: Please add SFD muxingSFD muxing

comment:7 by Soukyuu, 11 years ago

Yes, FFMPEG is already capable of playing and demuxing SFD. SFD is CRI's SofDec video, a modified mpeg container which hosts mpeg1/2 video, CRI's adx audio and in some cases an additional ac3 audio track. Demuxing ac3 was only recently fixed after I reported a problem with it.

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