Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1449 closed defect (fixed)

texi2html required for doc

Reported by: burek Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: build system
Version: unspecified Keywords: texi2html
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: yes
Analyzed by developer: yes


If a user doesn't install "texi2html" package prior to ffmpeg compilation, it won't install docs, but there are no warnings during configure process and the default is to build ffmpeg with docs.

The solution is to issue a warning or an error (and force the user to use --disable-doc) during the configure process. Currently, it doesn't do/show anything, making a user think it will build docs too, but it doesn't build it.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Stefano Sabatini, 12 years ago

Analyzed by developer: set
Component: undeterminedbuild system
Keywords: texi2html added
Reproduced by developer: set
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Should be fixed in:

commit 3e03f8d8b202b4548c6fb42f66fff4827e724085
Author: jamal <>
Date:   Wed Jul 11 22:41:25 2012 -0300

    build: Fix documentation dependencies and rules

FFmpeg will now create and install documentation based on the tools installed on the system (so if texi2html is missing, it still will compile and install man pages).

Last edited 12 years ago by Stefano Sabatini (previous) (diff)
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