Opened 2 weeks ago

Last modified 13 days ago

#11397 new enhancement

Add version metadata in compiled executable

Reported by: spooky Owned by:
Priority: wish Component: build system
Version: unspecified Keywords:
Cc: MasterQuestionable Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


It would be very welcome to have FFmpeg's version displayed in the "File Version" column of Windows File explorer, as that column is currently left empty.


This change would make it much easier for users to see which version they have installed directly in File Explorer, without having to open the command line and run "ffmpeg -version". I'm not sure if other operating systems have similar file version tracking in their explorers, but adding this feature for Windows would definitely improve version tracking.

Steps to reproduce

1. Open Windows Explorer:

Press Windows + E to open a new Windows Explorer window.

2. Navigate to the FFmpeg Executable:

Go to the directory where FFmpeg is installed (e.g., C:\Program Files\FFmpeg\bin).

3. Add the File Version Column:

a. Right-click on the column headers in the file list (where it says "Name," "Date modified," etc.).
b. In the context menu, select "More..." to open the "Choose Details" dialog.
c. Scroll through the list and check the box next to "File version".
d. Click "OK" to apply the changes.

4. Check the File Version:

a.Locate the ffmpeg.exe file in the list.
b.You should see that the "File Version" column is NOT populated with the version information for FFmpeg.

Attachments (1)

empty file version in file explorer.png (219.7 KB ) - added by spooky 2 weeks ago.
Empty file version in file explorer

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by spooky, 2 weeks ago

Empty file version in file explorer

comment:1 by MasterQuestionable, 2 weeks ago

Cc: MasterQuestionable added
Component: undeterminedbuild system
Keywords: Version removed
Priority: normalwish
Summary: Empty file version information in Windows File explorer.Add version metadata in compiled executable

͏    Primarily Windows only..?

comment:2 by Balling, 2 weeks ago

That will tell nothing, as you can hundreds of configs, like openssl compiled in or not, libfdk_aac compiled or not and 50 other options.

Also each sublibrary can be its own version, that is why it is printed when you execute the executable.

comment:3 by spooky, 13 days ago

FFmpeg releases are numbered, the current version being 7.1. This numbering is independent of whether libraries like OpenSSL, libfdk-aac, etc., are compiled or what versions of each sublibrary are being used.

I'm not sure I understand the comment about "that will tell nothing". A simple "7.1" in that column would tell enough.

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