Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#8331 closed defect (needs_more_info)

concat filter has possible overflow integer overflow on long output

Reported by: YellowOnion Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: undetermined
Version: unspecified Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


I get an error about invalid DTS after 36mins using concat filter where the DTS is a negative value very close to the previous DTS.

This error happens on any file, and doesn't happen when I remove the concat filter.

none of the TS flags or filters seem to help.

"previous: 2147401, current: -2147484;" <- this looks like an integer overflow.

Attachments (1)

ffmpeg-20191023-211408.7z (752.0 KB ) - added by YellowOnion 5 years ago.
log file

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by YellowOnion, 5 years ago

I have a log file but it's too big to attach (17MB).

by YellowOnion, 5 years ago

Attachment: ffmpeg-20191023-211408.7z added

log file

comment:2 by Cigaes, 5 years ago

Please include the full command line, not within an attached file. And please simplify the command line to exhibit the issue without any superfluous elements.

If you cannot make a sample available to allow reproducing the bug, then you will need to help. Insert (a)showinfo filters before the inputs and after the outputs of the concat filter and show their output around the time of the problem.

comment:3 by YellowOnion, 5 years ago

ffmpeg -report -f lavfi -i nullsrc=duration=10:size=<matching-size> -i <input> -filter_complex "[0:v] [1:v] concat=2:1:0 [v]" -map "[v]" -f null -

This is about as minimal as I can get it, I've tried it with 4 different files, surely it's

using showinfo seems to ignore -d option for some reason, my biggest problem is that it only happens after 35mins of video, I cannot reproduce the bug in a shorter video length, using showinfo produces a ridiculously sized file

comment:4 by YellowOnion, 5 years ago

The error seems to have disappeared with "[1:v] showinfo [v1] ; [0:v] [v1] concat=2:1:0,showinfo [v]", What the hell is going on, -d doesn't work, and now the error just goes a way with showinfo?

I notice the bitrate on the original is NEGATIVE too.

I'm sick of trying to reproduce this.

comment:5 by Carl Eugen Hoyos, 4 years ago

Component: avfilterundetermined
Resolution: needs_more_info
Status: newclosed
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