Opened 8 weeks ago

Last modified 6 weeks ago

#11138 new defect

FFmpeg audio dither creates unwanted DC offset

Reported by: mstgrv Owned by:
Priority: normal Component: swresample
Version: 7.0 Keywords: dither
Cc: MasterQuestionable Blocked By:
Blocking: Reproduced by developer: no
Analyzed by developer: no


I ran a test of FFmpeg's audio dithering and I noticed that it creates a DC offset in the resulting audio file, which shouldn't be there. Doing the same dithering process with other tools produces no DC offset in the resulting audio.

Here's what I did:

  1. Create a silent WAV file (44.1khz, 32-bit floating point) using iZotope RX.
  2. Convert that file to 16-bit with triangular dither, using iZotope RX
  3. Convert the same file to 16-bit with triangular dither, using FFmpeg. The command I used was:
    ffmpeg -i input.wav -c:a pcm_s16le -dither_method triangular output.wav

Because the file in step 1 is completely silent, the files created in steps 2 & 3 contain just the dither by itself.

FFmpeg's conversion results in a file with DC offset, but iZotope RX's conversion has none. The expected result is no DC offset.

I have attached all the WAV files, plus screenshots of the analysis of each file (using iZotope RX) which shows the DC offset result.

Attachments (6)

silence 44-32.png (324.8 KB ) - added by mstgrv 8 weeks ago.
ffmpeg.png (325.1 KB ) - added by mstgrv 8 weeks ago.
rx.png (325.4 KB ) - added by mstgrv 8 weeks ago.
audio (445.3 KB ) - added by mstgrv 8 weeks ago.
wavestat.webp (109.1 KB ) - added by MasterQuestionable 6 weeks ago.
wav.7z (266.6 KB ) - added by MasterQuestionable 6 weeks ago.
͏    Your files can be deleted.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

by mstgrv, 8 weeks ago

Attachment: silence 44-32.png added

by mstgrv, 8 weeks ago

Attachment: ffmpeg.png added

by mstgrv, 8 weeks ago

Attachment: rx.png added

by mstgrv, 8 weeks ago

Attachment: audio added

comment:1 by mstgrv, 8 weeks ago

A similar bug existed in Reaper, which was fixed in 2021

The developer clarified what the issue was and how it was fixed

"The bug (fixed in v6.27) was using floor() instead of rounding when reducing floating point samples to the desired bit depth. For example if you have a variable in [-1,1] with mean=0, floor(x) will have a mean of -0.5, but floor(x+0.5) will have a mean of 0."

Perhaps this could be the fix for the issue in FFmpeg?

Version 1, edited 8 weeks ago by mstgrv (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:2 by Balling, 8 weeks ago

Paul that worked on this moved to his own fork of ffmpeg. Open the issue there.

comment:3 by MasterQuestionable, 6 weeks ago

Cc: MasterQuestionable added
Component: undeterminedswresample
Keywords: dither added; audio dithering removed

͏    Did.

͏    Potential rounding error of "swresample"

͏    ----

͏    "-dither_method triangular"
͏    Does it happen with other methods?
͏    Or the default..?? 0?

Last edited 6 weeks ago by MasterQuestionable (previous) (diff)

by MasterQuestionable, 6 weeks ago

Attachment: wavestat.webp added

by MasterQuestionable, 6 weeks ago

Attachment: wav.7z added

͏    Your files can be deleted.

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