Showing objects tagged with 'webvtt'
#4048 enhancement: segment: Handle WebVTT as per HLS spec (new)
#5067 defect: crash on Mapping Multicast TV Stream to HLS with "Exactly one WebVTT ... (open)
#5641 defect: Support WebVTT according to MKV specs (open)
#5881 enhancement: Allow writing subtitle only hls streams (open)
#8410 enhancement: wishlist vtt: support styling when converting to ass (new)
#8684 defect: WebVTT decoder breaks when ::cue elements are used (new)
#9580 defect: WebVTT decoder processes an invalid input file without complaining, ... (new)
#9839 defect: Dash mpd subtitle incorrect container (open)
#9979 enhancement: webvtt subtitles not properly detected in DASH manifest (new)
#10992 enhancement: Option for forcing the inclusion of the hour field in WebVTT timestamps (new)
#11105 defect: webvtt not seeking properly (new)
#11313 defect: Stream loop VTT subtitles via UDP ( error = Numerical result out of range ) (new)