Showing objects tagged with 'vaapi'
#6276 defect: h264_vaapi & nvenc do not preserve aspect ratio changes (new)
#6299 enhancement: Add option for filler / nal-hrd cbr to h264_vaapi encoder similar to ... (new)
#6379 defect: vaapi_encode_check_config invalid free (new)
#7392 task: Filter "sharpen" on Vaapi encoding (new)
#7519 enhancement: VAAPI: Allow software fallback to be disabled on command-line (new)
#7523 defect: VAAPI: Fail to Decode an H264 LP Multi-Slice Encoded Video (new)
#7525 defect: VAAPI: Transcoding MJPEG to VP9 fails on GeminiLake (open)
#7723 defect: [FFmpeg-vaapi][vp8 decode] Failed to end picture decode issue: 23 ... (new)
#7775 defect: [FFmpeg-vaapi][vp9] error message when play a vp9 stream (new)
#8068 enhancement: vaapi/nvdec/dxva2 hw decode failed for vp9 clips with resolution ... (new)
#8119 enhancement: mpeg2_vaapi encoder "QP" parameter for CQP (reopened)
#8654 defect: Crash with kmsgrab, scale_vaapi and hwdownload (new)
#8993 defect: vaapi_encode.c example makes the invalid stream (new)
#9986 defect: Compilation fails with -Werror=format compiling vaapi on 32bit (new)
#10099 defect: mpeg2_vaapi SAR problems (new)
#10444 enhancement: Please implement VAAPI encoding enhancement for AMD / radeonsi (from ... (new)
#10669 defect: crop filter with exact=0 does not work correctly on ... (new)
#11003 defect: hw acceleration with Radeon wx5100 doesnt work (new)
#11260 enhancement: Reasonable restrictions on video bit rate for some hardware encoders (new)