Showing objects tagged with 'segment'
#2307 defect: Stream segmenter bug if total recorded length > 12 hours (new)
#2327 enhancement: accept "chapters" as segment_times (open)
#2547 defect: -muxrate option doesn't work with stream_segment mpegts output (open)
#2600 enhancement: print EXT-X-STREAM-INF and BANDWIDTH in output M3U8 (open)
#5452 defect: ssegment muxer reset continuity counters on each segment regardless of ... (new)
#7067 defect: ffmpeg -f segment fails after 30 minutes (new)
#7711 defect: Segmenting with libopus produces incorrect segment durations in output ... (new)
#9078 enhancement: HLS Random Filename for segments (new)
#9577 defect: Wrong segments encoding to MXF XDCAM HD422 (new)
#10134 defect: Timescale value in manifest inconsistent in DASH Template mode vs ... (new)
#10337 defect: Segmentation fault when encodig with 'hevc_nvenc' (new)
#11018 defect: Bug: Export AAC from video file with specific duration don't give the ... (new)
#11123 defect: Incorrect first audio segment name when using segment_timeline while ... (new)