Showing objects tagged with 'qsv'
#4659 enhancement: Support the MFX Dispatcher from Intel Media SDK (new)
#4831 defect: Can't initialize h264_qsv encoder post Aug 29 2015 - Ivy Bridge CPU (open)
#4832 defect: Freeze when scaling and encoding h264_qsv (open)
#5279 defect: ffmpeg cannot link with --enable-libmfx and --toolchain=msvc (new)
#5393 enhancement: Option to select the Intel Quick Sync GPU device adapter for encoding (new)
#5433 defect: Last frames are dropped while decoding with qsv decoder (new)
#6077 defect: openCL cannot be run simultaneously with h264_qsv ? (new)
#6347 defect: [h264_qsv @ 0x22fc7a0] Warning in encoder initialization: partial ... (new)
#6418 defect: ffmpeg QSV doesnt work with live streams (open)
#6478 defect: Intel QSV: H.264 level is ignored (new)
#6492 defect: Intel QSV: "No device available for encoder" message is given (new)
#6996 defect: attempting to use QSV on supported Intel system with NVidia primary ... (new)
#7404 defect: [ffmpeg-qsv][vc1_decode]some frames error in dump file on iHD driver. (new)
#7405 defect: [ffmpeg-qsv][vc1_decode]vc1 decode drop frames on iHD driver. (new)
#7407 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv]mjpeg_decode] Unknown decoder 'mjpeg_qsv' (new)
#7421 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option bufferPeriodSEI is not support (new)
#7422 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option disableVUI is not support (new)
#7423 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option "fieldoutput" is not support (new)
#7424 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option "fixedframerate" is not support (new)
#7425 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option "gpu_copy" is not support (new)
#7429 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option "'refpicmarkrep" is not support (new)
#7432 enhancement: [ffmpeg-qsv][avc encode] option "vuinalhrdparam" is not support (new)
#7511 enhancement: FFmpeg Windows version with QSV hwaccel fails over TERMINAL (new)
#7643 defect: qsv decoding fails on Windows (new)
#7690 defect: FFmpeg QSV decode + VPP performance is just a fraction of what one ... (new)
#7808 defect: overlay_qsv fails to create qsvvpp (new)
#7830 defect: Allocation size of input surface for qsv not takes into account ... (new)
#7901 defect: Green/null frames at beginning of decoding with qsv decoders (new)
#8036 defect: avcodec_open2 with h264_qsv fails with "Internal error - this should ... (new)
#8379 defect: problem with h264_qsv, lookahead and scale_qsv (new)
#8601 defect:
Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0
occurs when using h264_qsv ... (new)
#8603 enhancement: QSV VPPFrameRateConversion enhancements (new)
#8794 defect: memory leak in qsv decoding (new)
#8995 defect: overlay_qsv fails with "Inputs with different underlying QSV devices ... (new)
#9095 defect: h264_qsv DECODER is corrupted after flush [WINDOWS] (new)
#9377 defect: QSV MPEG2 => H264 transcode PSNR dropped by 32% (new)
#9650 defect: h264_qsv DECODER eventually freezes after many seeks [WINDOWS] (new)
#10062 defect: av1_qsv produces incorrect output files (new)
#10100 defect: qsv encoder missing video when live transcoding (new)
#10377 defect: Intel QSV is broken in FFmpeg 6.0 (new)
#10537 defect: Unable to create QSV hwdevice context with onevpl and old drivers (new)
#10715 defect: QSV decoder fails to get configured and issues Error initializing the ... (new)
#11426 defect: Memory leak in Intel QSV decoder (new)