Showing objects tagged with 'mxf'
#1102 defect: mxf separate fields in interlaced j2k (open)
#2929 enhancement: No duration estimation for dvvideo in mxf (new)
#3350 enhancement: Support Sony RAW SQ in mxf (new)
#3624 defect: H264 decoding error messages from a possibly valid mxf file (new)
#4350 defect: Concatenating split files of a Ikegami GFPack camera (new)
#4820 defect: Converting a H264 MXF to a H264 MOV with "-vcodec copy" results in mov ... (open)
#5097 defect: XDCAM HD422 (new)
#5146 enhancement: mxf mpeg2video: black bar at the top of the video (open)
#5362 enhancement: SMPTE 292M EIA-608 and EIA-708 Closed Captioning (open)
#6693 defect: MXF (AVC-I or DNXH) file created by ffmpeg could not be recognized by ... (new)
#7577 defect: FFmpeg can't decode DCP SMPTE Timed Text subtitles within MXF (new)
#7829 defect: Wrong average framerate for H.264 in mxf (new)
#8597 defect: Failure encoding last video frame when rewrapping MXF (new)
#8772 defect: MXF-muxing fails with Error writing trailer of test.mxf Unknown error ... (reopened)
#8966 enhancement: Preserve Dolby Vision metadata in mxf (new)
#9315 defect: MXF L-GOP muxed by FFmpeg had disordered frame display in Adobe Premiere (new)
#9426 defect: Broken copying for XAVC-L (new)
#9571 defect: MXF muxer using long gop with x264 essence creates corrupt output (new)
#9618 defect: Trimming Error on MXF H264 All-Intra High422 (open)
#9647 defect: Non Intra H.264 files are not muxed correctly in mxf (new)
#9818 enhancement: Introduce support for MCA sub-descriptors in mxf and mov container (new)
#10001 defect: mxf muxer writes the wrong bit depth and uses the CDCI essence ... (new)
#10392 defect: mxf with DolbyE and channel_count != 02 is wrongly read by FFMpeg and ... (new)
#10553 defect: MXF files lose metadata upon copy/remux (new)
#10607 defect: Remuxing MXF to MOV without re-encoding cannot find timecode framerate ... (new)
#10793 enhancement: I hope that FFMPEG can re-encode 12-BIT APPLE PRORES MXF encoded by ... (new)
#10832 defect: h264 codec mxf file stream copy works weirdly (new)
#11226 enhancement: Add Track Names to OP1a MXF files (new)