Showing objects tagged with 'mpegps'
#948 defect: No audio in output when the audio starts late in VOB file (open)
#1438 defect: Seeking in vob file with timestamp discontinuities fails (open)
#1487 defect: ffmpeg's mpeg mux bug(s) never fixed... (new)
#1538 defect: request_channels does not work for mpeg program stream (new)
#1806 defect: Audio/video stream order reversed in remuxed VOB files (open)
#2007 defect: buffer underflow flood while remuxing mpeg stream (open)
#2084 defect: Wrong duration in program streams with timestamp discontinuity (new)
#2348 defect: Slowmotion when reencoding mpeg stream (new)
#2602 enhancement: Implement a soft-telecine filter (open)
#2705 enhancement: Support scrambled / customised mpeg program streams from Karaoke hardware (new)
#2879 defect: Non-Existing PPS when converting AVI to MPG (new)
#2900 defect: remux of interlaced MPEG2-PS to AVI doubles frame rate. (new)
#3187 enhancement: SFD muxing (open)
#3199 defect: duration incorrect for mpeg file (new)
#3233 enhancement: PSP PMF audio (new)
#3272 defect: ffmpeg fails to recognize AAC in mpeg program stream container (open)
#3308 defect: High memory consumption on remuxing a program stream to matroska (new)
#3566 enhancement: Support new HikVision CCTV files (new)
#4182 enhancement: Unknown 16kb/s audio in Hikvision MPEG-PS recording (new)
#4252 defect: demux vob unuseable video (new)
#4478 enhancement: PlayStation 2 movie files not supported (.pss) (new)
#4855 enhancement: Support subtitles in (most likely) broken old vdr recordings (new)
#5749 defect: File produced ffmpeg by stream copy reports audio (AAC) for the stream ... (open)
#8233 defect: mp3 with invalid id3v2 tag size probed wrongly (open)