Showing objects tagged with 'fps'
#259 defect: framerate detection does not work properly. (mkv with default duration ... (open)
#978 defect: wrong container fps when muxing raw Xvid to avi (new)
#3990 defect: Video duration increases when reducing frame rate (open)
#3999 defect: Input option -r does not work for all formats without reencoding (open)
#4944 defect: -r output option misguiding documentation (open)
#5170 enhancement: Input option -r has no effect with -vcodec copy (open)
#5572 defect: Rewrapping NTSC MOV to AVI, results in 60000/1001 fps (new)
#5684 defect: fps wrong with codecpar (new)
#6006 defect: FPS filter stutters when converting framerate (reopened)
#6997 defect: Last image of the sequence is not shown in the generated video in case ... (open)
#7361 defect: fps filter can drop only frame (new)
#7829 defect: Wrong average framerate for H.264 in mxf (new)
#10150 defect: Variable framerate with a maximum value (open)
#11037 defect: setpts filter breaks input framerate detection (new)
#11421 defect: ffmpeg 7.1 fps bug (new)
ChangingFrameRate How to change the frame rate