Query syntax:

  • Use tag1 tag2 to match all tags.
  • tag1 or tag2 will match any tag.
  • Negate a tag with -tag1.
  • Group sub-queries with (tag1 or tag2).
  • Quote strings to include special characters.
  • Restrict search to a specific realm with realm:wiki.

Showing objects tagged with 'channel_layout'

  • #8939 defect: libopus: mapping_family does not get set correctly for surround sound (open)
  • #9835 enhancement: Native AAC encoder does not signal 7.1 correctly (new)
  • #10726 defect: SMPTE 7.1DS channel layout not usable in mappings bc of missing channel IDs (new)
  • #11093 defect: Claimed unintentional channel layout overwritten resulting no sound (new)