Showing objects tagged with 'alpha'
#2616 defect: support matrox mpeg-2 I-frame with alpha codec (m704 fourcc) (open)
#3571 defect: Drawtext fontcolor alpha not working with border (border and glyph ... (open)
#3707 enhancement: Support decoding transparency information in dnxhd streams (new)
#4444 defect: Transparency gets lost when scaling pal8 (new)
#4814 enhancement: swscale default alpha blending drops alpha (new)
#6474 defect: qt targa: unreadable video encoded with alpha channel (new)
#6718 enhancement: Option to remove label on alpha channel (reopened)
#7941 defect: Transparency broken when encoding animated webp (reopened)
#8344 enhancement: ffprobe does not recognize yuva420p format (alpha channel) for webm (new)
#8588 defect: "palettegen" adds 1 color on transparent input (reopened)
#8724 enhancement: chromakey does not observe existing transparency (new)
#8744 defect: Transparency problem when capturing a window with gdigrab (new)
#9531 defect: Unexpected ghosting around a transparent video encoded with ... (new)
#9872 defect: WebP vs PNG alpha (new)
#9883 enhancement: FFmpeg AVIF decoder does not seem to handle transparency when decoding ... (open)
#10117 enhancement: DNxHR SQ codec Alpha Channel support (Decode and Encode) (new)
#10901 defect: HEVC with alpha to PNG does not maintain alpha (new)
#11068 enhancement: hevc_videotoolbox: Support yuva (new)
#11165 defect: Default "vp9" decoder didn't properly handle alpha (transparency) (new)
#11210 defect: tiff files with a premult alpha channel are no longer read by ffmpeg (new)